- Hall-Heroult cell (the Hall-Heroult cell )
- ванна Холла-Эру
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности. 2011.
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности. 2011.
Downs cell — The Downs process is an electrochemical method for the commercial preparation of metallic sodium, in which molten NaCl is electrolyzed in a special apparatus called the Downs cell.[1] How it works Schematic diagram of the Downs cell … Wikipedia
ACS National Historical Chemical Landmarks — The ACS National Historic Chemical Landmarks Program was launched by the American Chemical Society in 1992 and has recognized 60 landmarks to date. The project is part of the ACS Division of the History of Chemistry and has the aim of compiling… … Wikipedia
Chloralkali process — The chloralkali process is an industrial process for the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution (brine). Depending on the method several products beside hydrogen can be produced. If the products are separated, chlorine and sodium hydroxide are… … Wikipedia
Castner–Kellner process — The Castner–Kellner process is a method of electrolysis on an aqueous alkali chloride solution (usually sodium chloride solution) to produce the corresponding alkali hydroxide,[1] invented by American Hamilton Castner and Austrian[2] Karl Kellner … Wikipedia
Castner process — The Castner process is a process for manufacturing sodium metal by electrolysis of molten sodium hydroxide at approximately 330°C. Below that temperature the melt would solidify, above the metal would start to dissolve in the melt.Process… … Wikipedia
aluminum processing — Introduction preparation of the ore for use in various products. Aluminum, or aluminium (Al), is a silvery white metal with a melting point of 660° C (1,220° F) and a density of 2.7 grams per cubic centimetre. The most abundant… … Universalium
Aluminium — Infobox aluminiumAluminium (Audio IPA|En uk aluminium1.ogg|ˌæljʊˈmɪniəm, IPA|/ˌæljəˈmɪniəm/) or aluminum (Audio IPA|En uk aluminum.ogg|/əˈluːmɪnəm/, see spelling below) is a silvery white and ductile member of the boron group of chemical elements … Wikipedia
metallurgy — metallurgic, metallurgical, adj. metallurgically, adv. metallurgist /met l err jist/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jist/, n. /met l err jee/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jee/, n. 1. the technique or science of working or heating metals so as… … Universalium
History of electrochemistry — Electrochemistry, a branch of chemistry, went through several changes during its evolution from early principles related to magnets in the early 16th and 17th centuries, to complex theories involving conductivity, electrical charge and… … Wikipedia
National Historic Chemical Landmarks — Plaque noting National Historical Chemical Landmark status at the Joseph Priestley House. The National Historic Chemical Landmarks Program was launched by the American Chemical Society in 1992 and has recognized more than 60 landmarks to date.… … Wikipedia
Electrochemistry — is a branch of chemistry that studies chemical reactions which take place in a solution at the interface of an electron conductor (a metal or a semiconductor) and an ionic conductor (the electrolyte), and which involve electron transfer between… … Wikipedia